The POWER of Journaling
Most often when I speak of journaling; the responses are; “after a few days I ditch it” “I don’t have time” “not sure how”. The last reason prompts me to write this piece.
Journal is NOT a chore, task or a strategic plan. There is not a recommended time of day or length that a journal entry should be.
Journaling IS:
- Free writing; there will be days that you don’t journal at all; some days that several pages are used and other days whereas the entry is no more than one to three lines
- Clarity; Got a big decision coming up? Journal your thoughts around the decision; take a look a few days later; there is something about “writing it plainly.”
- A glimpse of the future in the future; years later you will be able to observe your thoughts, decisions and wisdom and the growth of it
- Liberating; journaling is where you will write down your authentic thoughts; those that you may not fully disclose to the person closest to you.
- Accountable; write down your future and you will find yourself gradually moving toward the future you captured on paper.
- Discovery; your journal entries is where you will find your Passion and Purpose because it is all about you; genuinely you.
Start by keeping a journal or notepad with you wherever you are the most; purse, work desk, car, etc. and begin writing.