One of Many

March is Women’s History month paying homage by celebrating the accomplishments and contributions of women throughout history.  As I reflect on and aspire to encompass the courage, focus and sheer will of some of the women in history who were the first; it also conjures up for me another question. 

When will we become “one of many?” There are nearly 3 billion women globally and nearly 5 million women in the US according to the 2014 census. In 2017 we are still celebrating “the first”. My premise is not that “the firsts” should not be celebrated. My premise is how can we get to “one of many” 

Recently, I discovered the story of Hatshepsut; the first female pharaoh of Egypt reigning around 1473 B.C. 

  • She became pharaoh by default; the intended pharaoh was too young; therefore it was considered a co-pharaoh reign  
  • After her death her monuments were destroyed; therefore he accomplishments including the biggest foreign relations triumph in Egypt’s history slid under the next ruler 
  • Her rule was not considered “official” 

She did the work, accomplished exceedingly and was not recognized. This scenario is still being repeated. There are some constraints today; not nearly the constraints there were for women in 1473. 

There are nearly 5 million of us in the US. I have five practical strategies that could take us to “one of many” if just a fraction of us do this: 

  • Celebrate: It’s hard for most of us to boast on ourselves but when you celebrate you are announcing “I am here”. You are worth celebrating, feel the exhilaration and embrace your accomplishment. This makes it real 
  • Memorialize: Start now; voice record or journal your actions, errors and wins along the way 
  • Empower: Have a 45 minute conversation with one woman once monthly or identify a difference woman every 90 days 
  • Identify: Whether you got there by default or not who are you sponsoring to become greater 
  • Live like you mean it: On this road when your feet become tired; change your shoes. When you become weary switch up vitamins. Be excited about what you are doing so that someone WILL want “next” 

There are nearly 5 million of us; we can surely move from the “firsts” to “one of many”