Be Powerfully Present:
Live Like a Pirate
I grew up in the small port town named “Black River”. Often I would walk past the downtown pier while going to town or the doctor’s office. Jutting from the water was a half-sunken ship in the bay and it always intrigued me. I imagined the treasures buried. I imagined the many voyages that it sailed. I imagined the pirates that looted the ship for valuable coins and jewels when it sank. Pirates are carefree, thirst for adventure, and always search for value.
How can you live like a pirate?
Seek your treasures buried within.
Your inner voice is a treasure map.
Embrace change and sail to new shores in your quest to uncover your buried treasures.
Acquire a crew to help your steer your ship
Your Life (YL) is a treasured gift for you and those you meet. A key step is to listen to your inner voice (IV). Remember to create moments of stillness. Finding your most valuable treasures will require you to dig deep (DD) and find abundance of rare gems (RG). Another key is to assemble a trusted crew (TC) to embark on the journey with you.
What is your biggest obstacle to living like a pirate?
Have you forgotten your buried treasures?
Are you stuck waiting for the perfect ship?
Are you stuck in isolation?
Life on Power ® community are Treasure Hunters (TH).
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