Leadership is Active………..


The word Leader is often used liberally and often a distinguished title, invisible crown or even inherited.  

When you look up the definition of Leader the first definition that pops up is to lead or command a group, organization or company. The definition of “command” is to give authoritative order. 

All in all; Leadership is not a thing or what you do. Leadership is how you do it.

If Leadership is how you do it; that would imply that all of us have the capacity to be good leaders; even those among us with challenging character flaws. The implication is true; we ALL have the capacity to be good Leaders 

The best Leaders don’t know everything and in some scenarios; don’t know enough but good Leaders can get the people who know enough to do what they didn’t know they could do to achieve a common goal

The common goal may not appeal to everyone but everyone wants to be (1) valued, (2) recognized and (3) feel accomplished. 

Have a 20-30 minute conversation individually with everyone on your team that will include; what is the common goal, what it will do for the company, for the team and for the individual. 

Hint: take a look at the Career Development plan that you may only look at annually, ask HR to forward over the resume when he/she was hired; there is that objective area that will provide insight or if you want to get right to the point; ask the person how long they plan on being with the organization and what they intend to accomplish while there (in 2016 the average employment tenure was 3.5 years based SHRM.org and Forbes.com). 

Let’s be real; with the current state of technology 30 minutes is a ZOOM or FaceTime directly from your smart phone

The little bit of research you will do, will identify what’s important to the person as it relates to your company; skills and ability they have that you haven’t yet maximized and reveal a glimpse of what drives them.

Then, in the 20-30 minute conversation; align all that you have discovered from your research with the common goal. How the common goal applies to their skill and ability and how the common goal supports their objective(s).   

For the Leader who is engaging; you may not need the suggested research because your impromptu conversations may have revealed some of this but for the person who is not engaging and has no clue; this will begin the journey of taking you from scorned to good to great.

Leadership is Active and everyone of us has the capacity to be a great Leader by taking Action.

Register for the “What if She knew She was Powerful” Luncheon Saturday July 8, 2017 in South Florida.

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