
What is your “stretch” goal? If it doesn’t “stretch” you, it doesn’t grow you.  Know that Your Stretch is Your Stretch. Do not measure how small or large it should be. Anything other than a “stretch” is a feel good action. You will feel good about the achievement but not accomplished. 

“Stretch” will make you feel uncomfortable and with uncomfortability; fear has an open door. Fear is birthed from perceived failure; the end has been created in your head and failure is surely the outcome. Remain firm that failures are potential WINS because with failure you will get Data AND “What if You Succeed?”

Three things you should do to keep moving: 

Goals; the "why" is written, visible and revisited

Preparation is everything. Once you've done all you can do; you can only execute; **all you can do**; that you didn't know to do; you will learn after you do it. Just do it 

Fail fast: You may as well go ahead and fail if this is to be the outcome and recover just as fast for a different outcome; the WIN

You may not hit the bulls eye but if you try; you will have data that will get you closer to the bulls eye.

Register for the “What if She knew She was Powerful” Luncheon Saturday July 8, 2017 in South Florida. Take advantage of 17 days of Power2 purchase one luncheon ticket and receive a second registration. Purchase two for the price of one.

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